Wednesday, December 15, 2010

For Love

Yes lover, for you. 
Yet more still- for Love
On a scale larger
Than youth's dreams could ever hold. 
They shatter-
I bleed terror and delight, 
And expand beyond....
From that small, lonely dock
I once pinned my heart on. 

Swing, glide, rock n roll wild, 
At sea on possibility. 
Singing, sweet harmony-
And Love's echoes sing back from everywhere, 
But most from the depths within.

Not IN it; I AM it. 

I cannot be unmoored, 
For this Love is my dock 
And my ocean. 
This Love is my boat
And my sail. 
Love- the very soul alight within me! 
I, this shard of god
That fell to earth. 

The dream of exile,
I slowly rub from my mind's sleepy eye, 
And awaken to the truth of ubiquitous power, 
No prodigal to anything but my self, 
I find I am abundantly home. 

Say not my love or yours, 
But only Love, miraculous and terrible. 
This is my home. 
This is my self. 
Our selves-
We cannot lose what we are. 
Or win it. 
Only see true.

I weary of battles with mirror ghosts, 
I Lay down arms, 
Into the aweful beauty that is the only guarantee....

For now, love. For you. 
But yet more, 
And always, 
For Love. 

copyright 2010 Calleaghn Kinnamon

(I don't know who to credit for the photo. If you do, please tell me so I can add it!)