Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fat Girl Running #2: Resources (Unasked For Advice Does Not Qualify)

In Which I Share the Schedule, the Website From Whence it Came, 
                                                      and in Which I Digress, Repeatedly...

One of the reasons I'm writing about being a beginning runner (see “Fat Girl Running #1 for others) is because it's an interesting process. I imagine being an advance runner is too- we'll see when they get there. Running is analogous to lots of things we do in life that aren't easy, but have payoff. I'm learning a lot about myself. Like many worthwhile things, it's sometimes hard. I could use some caring witnesses, I could use some support.

An Egret Watches Me Trot By
I do not - I REPEAT- I do not need advice. I have great guidance and I'm being smart. I've already had enough of people telling me why "it's not a good idea". Thanks for your concern, or whatever it is, but please keep it to yourself.

(On a side note- I'm finding myself particularly sensitive to unasked for advice lately. I mean, really- if you’re going to offer advice, at least ask more questions first and find out if your advice is even applicable. If you just want to hear yourself talk about how much you know, then start your own damn blog.)
But I digress....again. I used to say “danger” is my middle name, but I'm recently thinking it should be “digression”.

Where was I.... oh, right....

There are several websites out there that will give you programs to follow based on where you're starting and where you want to get to. This is the one I'm using:
More information than I can possibly use, on everything from running schedules, when to eat, how to shop for shoes, where to run, posture, to how to lose weight at it. I like the options available in types of programs. They've got a lot of option in terms of running programs and you’re sure to find one that fits your needs. When I looked at the schedule for the “Perpare to Run Your First 5K” , I knew I wasn't ready. The website conveniently told me that the 3 weeks to a 30 Minute Running Habit” program would get me ready for the 5K. Sometimes downgrading is good!

When I had a question about the schedule, I emailed Christine Luff, the creator of said torture regimen, and she responded right away.

And this is all free. All I've spent so far was *mumbledymumble* for shoes and $5 for a kitchen cooking timer. Okay okay- I spent $16 for the shoes. That’s horrible I know- they’re terribly cheap shoes and my feet deserve better, yaddah yaddah, but seriously- the ones I was running with were HORRIBLE and these feel amaaaazing after those. They're mid-grade running shoes that I found an unbelievable deal on. Like I said somewhere else, I promised myself a much better pair of shoes if I stick with it.
I'm sure they make a timer that is just for these type of training programs, something you can program to change the times for you and keep track of your distance, etc. But the kitchen timer works just fine, even if it’s a little bit of a hassle to keep resetting it. If anyone has one of the fancier models that actually made for this, I would be thrilled to take it off your hands!

I could also use some CAKE for my IPod. Just sayin.

Here’s the schedule I'm currently running. For the folks who were concerned I was gonna walk out the door, try to run a marathon and drop dead in the street, you can see that I'm running gradually increasing increments of minutes at a time, alternating with walking. It’s easy cheezy. Really. An almost embarassingly gentle buildup. So you can relax with the permanent damage and death predictions.
My goal is to run a 5K this year. That’s a little over 3 miles and very doable. I used to run 5 miles a few times a week, so 5K? Pfthththtt! Give me a couple months and I’ll be able to do it in my sleep. Better chain me to my bed.

But that’s a whole other kind of training regimen.

Where was I?

Here's the training schedule from About.Com. They email my daily assignment to me, but I can also go to the site and see the whole three weeks ahead:

3 Weeks to a 30 Minute Running Habit

Day 1: 1/1 x 10 (Run 1 minute, walk 1 minute, ten times, for a total of 20 minutes.)
Day 2: 1/1 x 10
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: 2/1 x5, then 1/1 x5
Day 5: 2/1 x5, then 1/1 x5
Day 6: Rest
Day 7: 2/1 x6
Day 8: 3/1 x4, then 1/1 x4
Day 9: 2/1 x 6
Day 10: Rest
Day 11: 3/1 x5
Day 12: 2/1 x8
Day 13: Rest
Day 14: 3/1 x5
Day 15: 4/1 x4
Day 16: 2/1 x8
Day 17: 5/1 x4
Day 18: Rest
Day 19: 4/1 x6
Day 20: 2/1 x5
Day 21: 5/1 x5

Today I did day 9. It was harder than yesterday, which makes no logical sense, since yesterday was longer and I did increments of 3 minutes. Today should’ve been easier. But it just wasn’t . Who knows why? I just woke up not-as-good-a-runner as I was yesterday. Maybe tomorrow I’ll wake up a track star. One of the things living with chronic pain has taught me is, “This is my body today. Now what do I want to do, what can I do, that feels reasonable and lifey given that this is what my body is telling me?” I may have to spend some running days in bed. I just don't know.

But not today. Today I ran my little 2/1 x 6’s and it was hard. But it still felt good to do it. A couple people waved at me today. Maybe they’re FB friends. I couldn't see through the sweat in my eyes. Or maybe they've been watching me do this almost-the-same-route for the past week + and we’re getting to be running buddies of a sort. I don't care really. It was just nice to get a smile and a wave.

Tomorrow, I get a day off. I’ll probably do some walking and stretching. But that’s tomorrow. Tonight I get to go see Phil Donahue and a screening of a documentary he co-produced and Eddie-my-Guru-Vedder did all original music for:

Body of War

I <3 Phil. I saw my first polyamorous triad on Phil, a Marilyn Manson interview that changed my life, queers and lesbians galore and so much more. Phil's work changed my life for the better. This is one of the things my Mom got right- exposing me to Phil.

I wonder if Phil is a runner?

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